Gerudo Town is hot. It sits in the center of the Gerudo Desert. They get some reprieve at night when the temperature drops to a desert chill, but during the day, drinks are needed to provide a little relief. 

Fortunately, the Noble Canteen is nestled on the west side of town, and the Gerudo spend a lot of time here quenching their thirst with Furosa’s many drink offerings. One of the most popular drinks is the Noble Pursuit, which is made from a blend of the local fruits.

"A popular fruit juice in Gerudo Town. Its tropical flavor will cheer you right up."

The Noble Persuit is the only recipe in Tears of the Kingdom that was present in sage of Calamity and not in Breath of the Wild. The Zelda team changed the look of the drink from Age of Calamity, so we have to make a new version! For this version, we will be blending the hydromelon (watermelon) and voltfruit (dragon fruit) in palm fruit water (coconut water) along with a little lime. The drink will be sweetened with some simple syrup, and accented with some white rum, which you can choose to leave out. It’s a less creamy version of the Age of Calamity recipe. It’s sweet, fruity, and refreshing! I could totally enjoy a desert afternoon sipping one of these in Gerudo Town… that is, if they’d actually let me in…


Juice Blend
1 ½ cups seedless watermelon, diced
½ cup dragonfruit, diced
1 cup coconut water
Juice of 1 lime
⅛ tsp kosher salt

Simple Syrup
¼ cup water
¼ cup sugar
Noble Pursuit Drink
3-4 oz Noble Pursuit Juice Blend
1 oz simple syrup
1 oz white rum (optional)

Before making the drink, let’s make some simple syrup to help sweeten it. Depending on the watermelon you have, once you make the fruit juice, it might not be all that sweet. The simple syrup will help give the drink a little bit of added sweetness. In a small pot over low heat add the water and sugar. Stir quickly to fully dissolve the sugar into the water to create a syrup. Remove the simple syrup from the heat and allow it to cool.

Add the watermelon, dragon fruit, coconut water, lime juice, and salt to a blender or food processor. Purée the fruit mixture until it is smooth. Strain the juice through a mesh strainer into a bowl to remove any excess pulp and the dragon fruit seeds. You may need to strain it twice, depending on the number of seeds.

Now we can make the drink! Add 3 ounces of the fruit juice to a cocktail shaker along with one ounce of simple syrup and one ounce of white rum. Shake well. Add some ice to a martini glass, and poor the drink over the ice into the glass. 

If you want to be fancy, you can garnish with a melon wedge, an apple wedge, mint leaves, and a toothpick with a maraschino cherry and a twisted strand of orange peel.

If you prefer a nonalcoholic drink, substitute the rum with an additional ounce of the fruit juice blend. Add 4 ounces of the fruit juice blend to the cocktail mixer with 1 ounce of simple syrup. Shake to blend, and then poor over ice in a glass.

Whether you go for an alcoholic or nonalcoholic version of the drink, enjoy your taste of Gerudo Town!

Learn more about the Noble Pursuit drink from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom at Zelda Dungeon.