Yet another use for Goron Spice! This whip was developed to complement the meat skewers, but it can be used as a dip for other dishes as well. This is a yogurt based dip that gets its flavor from roasted garlic and Goron Spice.

10 cloves of roasted garlic*
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil
1-2 tsp Goron Spice
⅓ cup mayonnaise 
1 5 oz container greek yogurt

Add the Greek yogurt, mayonnaise, roasted garlic, lemon juice, and Goron spice into a food processor and blend on a medium-high setting. Once everything is well blended, slowly drizzle in the 
olive oil through the spout opening one tablespoon at a time. If your food processor doesn’t have a spout or hole for adding liquid like this, you can add the oil in 1 tbsp at a time, blending between each tablespoon.

Once everything is well blended, use a spoon to help pour the sauce into a bowl. The Goron whip is perfect for dipping your skewer meat!

*refer to this Food Network tutorial for how to roast garlic.